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Im an executive member of the World Association of PPP units and Professionals, Chair of the membership Committee, Head of the Women chapter and the Head of the PPP times. I work with the Moroccan PPP Unit within the Ministry of Finance.
Based in Morocco, I worked in the insurance and banking sectors before joining the Ministry of Finance in 2010, the year where the PPP unit was established.
My job consists on advising contracting authorities (line ministries and Public entities) oversees procurement processes and monitors projects in the implementation and operational phases. As a unit that develops PPP policy, I contributed to the design of the new legal PPP framework.
I provide technical assistance to public authorities to identify and prepare PPP projects and to conduct the pre- assessments studies, as well as the guidance and dissemination of best practices through methodological guides.
I worked at EPEC and I frequently advises International Institutions on the Moroccan PPP market.
I hold degrees as Engineer and MBA from Alakhawayn University in Ifrane AUI.