We are the global home of PPP professionals.

As a member of WAPPP, you connect with experts and peers from the PPP industry: PPP consultants, corporate networks, governmental agencies and international institutions.

Choose your membership

At WAPPP we distinguish the following membership categories: PPP Unit, Individual and Institutional membership.

PPP Unit membership

Are you working in a PPP Unit or governmental agency and willing to connect with peers? We offer free complimentary membership to Government, Regional and Municipal PPP Units or public infrastructure agencies for up to 12 civil servants. The head of a country PPP Unit get’s to join the Council of PPP Unit Heads.

CHF 0 p.a.

Individual membership

Do you have a passion for PPPs and want to connect with your peers? Joining as an individual member will give you access to other PPP professionals from around the world, with a wealth of knowlegde and industry specific expertise.

CHF 150 p.a.

Institutional membership

Are you an institution or a company willing to join WAPPP? Institutional membership encompasses access for up to 12 employees of the organization that joins WAPPP. We ask for a person of contact to ensure smooth interfacing.

CHF 2000 p.a.
Webprofile included

PPP UNIT Application


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Individual membership

Individual membership

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Join us
I am 35 years old
or younger
I am over
35 years old